
If you’re one of those mothers serious about creating a vision for 2020, then pay careful attention to this tip so you can avoid having to map everything out for 2020.

Write Your 2020 Holiday Letter To Friends And Family at the start of the year!

This tip will help you visualize the things you will be proud of at the end of 2020. You need not know how these things will happen, just imagine that they are possible. A holiday letter is a chance to share the great things that happened to you and your family during the year. Seeing them happen before they happen, makes them easier to achieve.

The most important thing to understand is that we don’t have to know how this letter will come true or the steps it took. We just need to see it as a possibility.

This is very important to everyone because once you believe it’s possible, opportunities to make your holiday letter come true will often appear where you least expect it to.

So take 20 minutes today to write your holiday letter. It’s a way of creating goals for next year, without the constrictions of a goal-setting formula. And without the distraction of worrying how you can make it all happen. Just write it down and be open to possibilities.

Hey, before I forget, this article is just the tip of the iceberg for creating a great 2020! Schedule a free Label Breaker coaching session with me to learn more about making 2020 great. Grab it here: